Winter Tour 2024: Cats at the Beach

The Alley Cats’ 2024 Winter Tour traded the Connecticut cold for two weeks of sunshine. Week 1, Ben and Joseph welcomed everyone to their San Diego hometown. After performing at Ben and Joseph’s alma maters, the Cats surfed the shores of La Jolla, explored the gardens of Balboa Park, and tussled between voice parts to win the annual football game (set on the beach, Top Gun style!).

Week 2, the group continued their beach escapades by flying to Hawaii. The island of Oahu offered gorgeous scenery on land and in the water; the Cats hiked alongside the shoreline and snorkeled throughout Hanauma Bay. A big thank you to Tyler Dos Santos-Tam, a former Alley Cat biz and current Honolulu City Council Member, for helping the Cats workshop with public schools across the city, host a free concert, and even perform on the morning news! You can read more about it in this article:

Also, check out highlights from the tour on instagram, youtube, and the Winter Tour 2023 Gallery.
